Listen, Smile, ¡Y No Te Rindas! es un podcast que ayuda a los que hablan español y aprenden inglés estadounidense.
In episode 28, Greg and Gabe discuss some common phrases in English that use the word "call," including "call it a day," "call it quits," "that's your call/that's my call," "call the shots," and "the pot calling the kettle black." We didn't have time two other important phrases with "call": "on call" and "beck and call." Both of these relate to a state of readiness as part of a job or duties.
On call - to have employment that requires you to be ready to go to work at a moment's notice. (Tener un empleo que requiere que estés listo para ir a trabajar en cualquier momento.)
Douglas was on call last Saturday night so he didn't drink any alcohol at the party.
Douglas estaba de guardia el sábado por la noche así que no bebió alcohol en la fiesta.
She made extra money for being on call, as the hospital could call her at any time and she would have to come to work.
Ganaba dinero extra por estar de guardia, ya que el hospital podía llamarla en cualquier momento y tenía que venir a trabajar.
at the beck and call - to be readily available to help/serve/cater to (estar disponible para ayudar/servir/atender a)
Although Wendy was focused on her career, she was always at the beck and call of her children.
Aunque Wendy estaba enfocada en su carrera, siempre estaba a la disposición de sus hijos.
Workers don’t want to be at the beck and call of their managers when they aren’t being paid, so many are refusing to carry company cell phones.